Thermal Water

The waters of the Abano and Montegrotto basin fall into the category of deep underground waters, unique because of the long distances they travel.

The waters derive from the uncontaminated basins of the Lessini Mountains in the foothills of the Pre-Alps, passing through calcareous rock and into the subsoil at a depth of approximately 2000-3000 meters.

Water is held at high temperatures and under strong pressures over the approximately 80 kilometer route for an average period of about 25/30 years.

During this time, water takes on mineral salts until finally reaching the Euganean area, where it springs forth at a temperature of 87°C.

The abundance of the dissolved substances makes this water a unique thermal resource, classified chemically as hyperthermal salty-bromic-iodic water with a fixed residue at 180°C of 5-6 grams of dissolved salts per liter.

The extraordinary therapeutic value of water and mud in Abano and Montegrotto is also due to the observance of strict regulations that rule thermal extraction, preventing this resource from being used indiscriminately.

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Petrarca Hotel Terme
Piazza Roma 23
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD) Italy
Phone: +39.0498911744
Fax: +39.0498911698


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