Top benefits of the pedicure

The feet represent our support every day, they are our contact with the earth, they support us and take us everywhere!

It is essential to always take care of them, during all seasons.

And why not start now, with the beginning of the warm season, in which we let them breathe after the constriction in winter footwear?

The pedicure is both an aesthetic and a curative treatment.

Aesthetic pedicure is a treatment that you can carried out periodically and you will obtain long lasting results.

Imperfections such as rough skin, calluses, thickening are eliminated, nails treated and embellished with the most fashionable nail laqueurs.

Usually the first steps of a quality aesthetic pedicure are the following:

  • washing
  • cleaning
  • drying
  • disinfection

Then the nails are filed and you can proceed with a foot bath to remove any calluses. You can possibly concentrate on the cuticles and exfoliate with a special cream. Finally, a relaxing massage is performed to reduce tension and improve circulation and muscle tone.

At the end of this ritual, the beneficial effects will be visible and felt throughout the body:

  • the skin is soft and smooth
  • the feet are young and fresh
  • calluses and other imperfections are eliminated
  • blood circulation is stimulated
  • you will feel a general sensation of lightness and well-being on the whole body

Try it with a manicure for a complete beauty treatment!


Petrarca Hotel Terme
Piazza Roma 23
35036 Montegrotto Terme (PD) Italy
Phone: +39.0498911744
Fax: +39.0498911698


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